
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Changes All Around Us!

TRANSITION.  Since TeachBeyond training last month, I've been thinking a lot about the transitions ahead.  Beyond the cultural change from life in America to Germany, I will face the transition from college to post-college life, student to teacher, convenient suburb to quaint small town, automatic to stick shift car, Mom's meals to my own cooking...  It is only by God's grace that I will be able to make these adjustments as I depart for Germany today!  Praise the Lord that He is faithful to provide all that we need and more!

TRANSITION is also a word that has come up in nearly every one of my farewell conversations.  You, too, are experiencing transitions.  To my fellow college graduates -- we are all learning how to live out our new independence.  To those of us starting a new job -- we are embracing the opportunity to serve God and others in a new way.  To anyone changing location -- we must learn how to connect or reconnect with people and routines there.  There are countless other transitions we face.  Are we fearful about the unknown or confident in God's power?

I thank you for your prayers for my TRANSITIONS.  Know also that I am praying for YOU in the transitions that you face.  Remember His promise to never leave us.  He's got great plans in store; let's join Him on the journey of a lifetime!

Below is something I made as I processed the many transitions ahead... in green and blue are a wide variety of things that I will miss about life here.  However, God's provision (verses in pink) will cover over any fears and selfish desires.  His ways are higher than ours!


  1. I love your board. That is a wonderful visual of God being with us. I wish you the best and look forward to reading blogs from Germany!!

  2. heather! i'm so excited for you! i hope amidst all the transitions youseek what is true and constant in the LORD! can't wait to hear all your crazy stories! :-)
