
Friday, January 26, 2018

New Year, New Role

I can picture it like it was yesterday.  I sat on my friend's bed in her dorm room, recounting the many "pros" and "cons" for serving with TeachBeyond in Germany.  Excited as I was about the prospect of teaching overseas, I felt paralyzed by uncertainty.  At the top of the list was the two-year commitment - an eternity to a college senior.

Now, eight years later, I regularly interact with college students who are hesitant to take the next step.  I could not have predicted that two years at Black Forest Academy would turn into five, or that I'd now have a State-side role impacting the next wave of TeachBeyond missionaries!

I often share with applicants that my experience was not one of dramatic revelation, but rather a series of small steps of obedience - to apply, to go, to stay at BFA, and to return.  The same willingness has led me to say "yes" to a new opportunity.

Growth in TeachBeyond has increased the responsibilities of my supervisor, who is currently doing two jobs.  As he moves fully into the role of Global Director of Advancement, I'm excited to announce that I will be the new U.S. Director of Mobilization beginning February 1!  

Practically, my day-to-day work will remain similar to what I do now, but with more leadership over the department and added responsibility for the recruiting, equipping, and sending of new TeachBeyond missionaries.  While I know I have a lot to learn, I'm excited to brainstorm ideas, collaborate with my teammates, and grow our mobilization efforts.

The words I wrote in my very first blog post seem remarkably relevant eight years later:

"While there are many unknowns ahead, I am relying fully on the Great Provider!  In each of these steps, it's clear to see that God has been guiding me in this journey. I have no doubt that He will continue to lead, and I will keep pursuing His will for my life. The journey is only beginning..."  [March 30, 2010]
Thank you for your continued prayers and support as I step into this new opportunity with TeachBeyond!

This news was also shared in my regular monthly e-mail update, sent out last week.  If you would like to receive these updates, click here.  If you believe that you're already on my list but have not been receiving updates, let me know, as I've had some issues with my contact list recently!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Plan B

Do you think your parents would let me stay at their house tonight?  I texted my friend after church last Sunday.  A quick glance at the weather forecast for Monday indicated that it would be better to get out that evening.  I began packing my bags, checking my recruiting supply inventory, and loading up the car.  I still had to play keyboard for the 5:00 service, but I could get to Columbus in a few hours.

The next morning, I woke up in a guest bedroom in Columbus to a world of white and a car encased in ice.  Indeed, I had made the right decision!  A few hours later, the roads were clear and I made it down to Cedarville University uneventfully.

Little did I know that my quick exit on Sunday night was just the first in a number of changes in plans  that week:

A pipe had burst in my hosts' home, so a series of texts connected me with a family I'd never met.  Their home turned out to be a lot more convenient to Cedarville's campus, and I was blessed by their generous hospitality to me, a stranger.

A double-booked class visit led to a combined presentation with a fellow missions recruiter, which rarely happens!  We were able to show our opportunities not as competitive (which is how it sometimes feels), but as complementary in advancing the Gospel through education.

Despite unseasonably warm temperatures mid-week, another treacherous forecast for the end of the week caused me to cancel my trip down to Louisville and return home a few days early.  I was nestled back home in Pittsburgh with a restocked refrigerator before the freezing rain and snow hit!

Before this trip even began, a friend had encouraged me to take advantage of the opportunities that arose out of the unexpected events of the week.  What a timely reminder to embrace the "Abenteuer" (adventure) of the unknown.  Looking through the lens of divine orchestration rather than added frustration can drastically alter our perspectives! 

What "curve balls" have you experienced recently?  Does it feel like you're on to Plan Z by now?  We can rest in the confidence that God is not surprised by our circumstances or uncertain about the outcome.  As His followers, we can step into the opportunities presented before us, knowing that our omniscient Eternal Father (Isaiah 46:9-10) is working in us (Philippians 1:6).

Plan A, Plan B, or Plan Z, it doesn't matter: "If God is for us, who can be against us? We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!"  (Romans 8:31, 37)