
Monday, June 28, 2010

The TeachBeyond Family

Let me introduce you to the TeachBeyond New Staff!
(click on the photo for larger view)

I'm home from a great week at TeachBeyond new staff orientation, where I was challenged and encouraged through seminar sessions, conversations, and times of worship.  I'm more excited than ever to be serving with TeachBeyond, an organization committed to transformational education services, while I teach at Black Forest Academy!  Here are some highlights:

~ I'm an I and a C.  I'm an unusual combination of "influencer" and "conscientious" in the DiSC personality profile.  Basically that means that I like to talk (big surprise) and organize (even bigger surprise).  It was neat to reflect on how to use these traits for God's glory and work well with others who have different strengths.

~ How do you recycle in Germany?!  Things in Germany are going to be different -- not better or worse than America, but different.  Sometimes there will be challenge and frustration, but the Lord can use these experiences out of my "comfort zone" to stretch and grow me!

~ Transition is coming.  The session that impacted me the most was a discussion on the five stages of transition, from full involvement in one culture to complete involvement in another.  I'm both thrilled and nervous about the changes ahead.  Above all, I know that God will bless me as I pursue deeper relationship with His people (my students, fellow staff, neighbors) and embrace the unknown.

I look forward to sharing life in Germany with my two apartment-mates,
Brittany (left) and Jennifer (center)!

"Therefore, in dependence upon God, we dedicate ourselves to His work, desiring to please Him in the knowledge that He who has called us also will help us.  We rely on the Spirit of God to lead and empower us.  We go with the assurance of His promise never to leave us or forsake us.  We go determined to serve the Lord with gladness."


  1. Looking forward to living together soon too! It definitely seems much more real after spending last week together!

  2. I praise God for what He has done - and all that He will do! So excited for you and all the others who completed training last week. Walk in His ways. Love you! :)

  3. Yay Heather! I'm so glad that the time with your staff was productive, enjoyable and informative! I love you, woman!

  4. Glad to see your blog! -Grandma
