
Monday, June 13, 2011

Counting Down... Here I Come!

Tomorrow, June 14, has been marked on my calendar for 6 months.  The day I fly to America.  This week ushered in the final countdown...

4 days...  On Friday, my roommate and I helped paint the old elementary school / future middle school.  It was fun to paint my old classroom with a fresh coat of white paint so that it can be used next year as the middle school faculty room!  I'm sure it will be weird visiting this building in the fall when it has been transformed into a different place, but I was glad to be able to help with the painting process.

3 days...  On Saturday morning, I got up and went for a run on my usual route.  I have been battling a cold for the past two weeks, so it was refreshing to actually have energy enough to go on a run again.  As I ran, I reflected on the challenges of the past year and how ready I am for the summer.  As I came out of a wooded area, I was a greeted with familiar -- but still magnificent -- view of rolling hills and fields.  I actually slowed my pace and stared at the view.  It was like God was whispering, "See, this is the field to which I have called you.  Keep following Me.  Be faithful to tend the crop which has been planted."  In that moment, I sensed a renewed purpose for teaching another class of fourth graders next year.  Thank You, Lord, for reminding me of Your calling and Your faithfulness to me here.
2 days...  Yesterday I went to G5 for the last time until August.  In the afternoon, I was able to get into my new classroom to at least put things in the center of the room.  Heavy furniture was placed on dollies so that it will be easy to move when I finish setting up in August.  I was so thankful to have several friends help with moving desks and boxes into the room.  Finally, my roommate and I had dinner at the home of one of my (former?!) students.  We played "Just Dance" until we couldn't move anymore, ate pizza, and just talked.  What a great way to end the day!

1 day...  Today is the big packing and cleaning day at the apartment.  We leave tomorrow!

I have so enjoyed teaching fourth graders, running through the beautiful scenery, and exploring the area.  I'll miss those things.  But it's time to see family and friends, share in churches, travel back to my Alma Mater.  I'm ready for rest and relaxation.  I can't wait to spend time with YOU.  I'm excited for summer!

Ready or not -- here I come!

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