
Friday, February 4, 2011

Facing My Fears: Science Class Volcano!

Most people are afraid of real volcanoes, with their hot lava and chunks of rock spewing into the air.  I don't blame them -- I am, too!  But, there's another type of volcano that scares me.

The science experiment volcano.

There's something about doing a demo or lab in science class that frightens me.  I guess I'd like to think that everything is under control in my classroom, but no matter how many times I practice an experiment at home, I wonder whether it will work in class!  It's like a lab-a-phobia or something.

So, this Tuesday was a big day for me.  It was the day of our class volcano lab!  I packed my baking soda, vinegar ("essig"), and red food coloring, hoping that the ingredients would form a volcano when I put them together! I prefaced the experiment with an honest confession: "Students, I am not sure if this is going to work!  But, sometimes things in science don't go quite as planned.  That's ok!  We can learn from those experiences, too."  I told them about a failed science experiment from my fourth grade student teaching class, and they reassured me that they would be okay if the volcano didn't erupt.  That took off some of the pressure!

The good news is that the volcano worked!  The kids loved it.  I think they may actually remember what "magma chamber," "lava," and "crater" are, too! :)  I'm thankful for a successful science experiment.  Maybe I'll be a little less nervous next time...


  1. You're wearing your new coat! oh, that wasn't what this post is about...sorry. SO glad the volcano was a success!! You are a very creative and brave teacher. I'm sure your students love you...but not as much as I do!

    <3 Mom

  2. I was HOPING that nothing would get on the coat... phew! :) I love it... but not as much as l love you! Can't wait to share this place with you in April!

  3. Hi HJ!! so glad the volcano worked! Ditto on the "lab phobia" part. One of the things that's so hard about science and medicine (I'm finding out) is that you're not guaranteed that the diagnosis is always right, the treatment will always work, the experiment will bring the right results. It's those things that teach me that I again have to let go and trust the Lord. Whether for vet medicine, or classroom volcanoes! :) thanks for the posts! I love reading them!!

