
Sunday, August 29, 2010

"By My Spirit," says the Lord

"Not by might nor power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord.  (The Word of God to Zerubbabel in Zechariah 4:6)

After a rough second day in the classroom, I was contemplating how to improve for the next day... and the next and the next!  On top of classroom management, I was staring at my school year calendar, trying to plan novel studies, fit in all of the textbook units, and make room for field trips and projects.  How was I ever going to get through all of the curricular material when I had to continually remind the students to face front, give me their full attention, and focus?!

And it hit me -- I couldn't.

That's when the Lord reminded me that it's not by my might or power, but His. There is no way I could ever have perfect classroom management or lesson planning in my own strength!

How many times have I had to learn and relearn this lesson?  How often do I attempt to live disconnected from the True Vine?  Too many.  Too often.

So, my prayer for this week and the weeks to come is that Christ would reign in me so that His life would be lived through me.  As I teach, may my students see Jesus in me!  I'm praying the same thing for you as you embrace the adventure of each day at work, in classes, with your families, wherever He leads you.  It's not by our hands that His will is accomplished -- but "by My Spirit," says the Lord.


  1. Thank you Heather! I am feeling similarly as the workload and other vet school worries continue to pile on. What a great reminder that it is by His Spirit, not by my hands. I didn't get here on my own; He put me here. And I won't get through on my own strength: I will get through by His Spirit. It is so cool to see how God is teaching us similar things right now! Thanks for the encouragement. Have a wonderful week!

    Love, Erica
