
Monday, April 25, 2011

Frohe Ostern!

We often remind ourselves that life in Germany is not better or worse, just different.  Celebrating Easter here was just that ... different.  I couldn't help but take note of many comparisons this week, so here are some of my observations.

Easter Observations:
- Plenty of Easter bunnies, most of them Milka chocolate.
- Lots of plastic eggs, many hanging from trees in people's yards.
- Casual dark-colored clothing instead of fancy bright colors - and very few white shoes.  (Somehow I don't think Europeans follow the North American fashion rule that you should break out the white heels on Easter Sunday.)
- Schnitzel instead of ham at G5's Easter dinner.
- No familiar Easter hymns or choruses in our Sunday morning service, but we sang German songs about the power of the resurrection!
- Many families in the Easter service, with kids even included on the worship team.  (I loved that!)

I'm so thankful that, despite the differences in celebrations, Easter in Germany is still about a Savior who conquered death to give us life.  Jesus is alive, and that's worth celebrating every day!  Frohe Ostern!

My very first Easter bread - the almond glaze was delicious!


  1. Heather! I loved reading this post and hearing about your Easter in Germany. I spent my first Easter away from home this year. Just like you, not worse or better, but different, with many blessings. :) It is so cool that no matter where we are, our Savior and what He has done is the same, and all of His family across the world is united in celebration of Him!

    much love,

  2. That bread looks FABULOUS! You'll have to make it when you come home! mmmm!

    So thankful that we can celebrate the Savior's resurrection ANYwhere!

    Love you,
    Mom XO

  3. Thanks for the comments! Yes, Mom, I'd be glad to make the Easter bread for you -- it was pretty easy! :) He is risen! He is risen indeed!
