
Thursday, August 27, 2015

#tbt Week 9: First Days of School

As I embrace this season of transition, I am taking time to reflect on many memories with special people in meaningful places.  It is neat to visibly see changes over time, knowing that God has been transforming us through the experiences of the past five years.

Each Thursday this summer will be devoted to a #tbt (Throwback Thursday) post, highlighting various "then and now" comparisons.  Enjoy!

#tbt Week 9: First Days of School

For twenty-two years, I've had a "first day of school."

Thirteen years of public school.
Four years of college.
Five years at BFA.

This year, my twenty-third "first day of school," passed without 
a bus stop photograph,
dorm move-in fanfare,
or inspirational opening ceremony.

My first day of grad school (online) was swept along in the whirlwind of this season of transition.  Course assignments joined the to-do list of tasks: order a cable modem, plan my September recruiting trip, finalize plans for this Sunday's event, read a chapter of the textbook.

As I began my class this week, I reflected on the feelings of "first days."  Even though I have always enjoyed school, butterflies inevitably fill my stomach at the anticipation of something new.  The unknown seems to stir up an overwhelming mixture of excitement, apprehension, and determination.

Are you stepping into something new this week?  Are there unknowns ahead for you in the next month?  Jesus knows, and He is present in it!  

He asks us to be "strong and courageous"... but not without promising that He is with us "wherever [we] go" (Joshua 1:9).
He says not to fear... because He is with us, strengthening, helping, and upholding us (Isaiah 41:10).
He teaches us not to be anxious... accompanied by His evidence of provision (Matthew 6:25-34).

Whatever these "first days" bring, we can embrace the unknown with a confidence in Christ's guiding presence.  There isn't a better place to be than utter dependence on Him.

1993-1999 (Kindergarten-6th Grade)

First days of college, RA, student teaching, and teaching at BFA

What memories do you have of your first days of school?
What emotions do new beginnings stir in you?

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