
Thursday, August 6, 2015

#tbt Week 7: Those First Days

As I embrace this season of transition, I am taking time to reflect on many memories with special people in meaningful places.  It is neat to visibly see changes over time, knowing that God has been transforming us through the experiences of the past five years.

Each Thursday this summer will be devoted to a #tbt (Throwback Thursday) post, highlighting various "then and now" comparisons.  Enjoy!

#tbt Week 7: Those First Days

Thanks to Facebook's "On This Day" feature and a nostalgic roommate, a few of my very first photos from Germany have recently resurfaced.  In fact, I think they've gotten more "likes" now than they did when they were first posted in 2010!

Five years ago, I was settling into my apartment in Riedlingen, attending new staff orientation at BFA, and trying to figure out my place in my new community.  In those days, making a simple meal was an significant accomplishment - it was my first time cooking for myself and we were navigating grocery shopping in my second language!  A few years later, these food photos seemed humorous: "Did we really think these meals were worth posting to Facebook?!"  Now, they are snapshots of those first memories with dear friends.

Our adventures involved IKEA runs, driving through roundabouts, and washing loads of laundry!

Those days were full of emotions.  At times, I felt courageous, excited, hopeful, and alive.  Other times, nervous, frustrated, overwhelmed, dependent, confused...  Many days, a mixture of all of the above.  

And these days aren't too different.  Very soon, with emotions swirling, I will be settling into my apartment in Pittsburgh, orienting myself to my new job, and trying to figure out my place in my new community.  

When I left for Germany five years ago, I felt incredibly supported.  Although many miles from my hometown and the people who knew me best, I was surrounded by God's presence and the encouragement of my "home team" from afar.  Today, that supportive network has only grown.  Spread over several continents, I am blessed by friendships that continue regardless of our location.

"Those first days" were monumental steps of following Him.  "These first days" are the beginning of another chapter of trust in His provision!

Thanks, Jesus, for being my Great Pioneer as You lead me into the unknown.

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