
Monday, July 11, 2016



This week marks one year since God dramatically redirected my steps from Washington, D.C., to Pittsburgh.  With a seemingly God-ordained plan in place, I was surprised and confused at this change of course.

One week later, I got connected with my roommate-to-be through my would-be church.  Unbelievably, one week after that, we signed the lease on our house here in Pittsburgh.  It's overwhelming to consider how God orchestrated the whirlwind change in plans last July!


According to Scripture, we are to remember who God is, what He has done, and how He wants us to live (Isaiah 46:9, Psalm 119:55).  God Himself is the perfect example of remembering, for He faithfully and flawlessly remains true to His covenantal promises (Psalm 105:8, 2 Tim. 2:13).

We remember that we were hopelessly "separated from Christ," but now His blood reconciles us to God (Eph 2:12-13).  We intentionally remember Jesus' sacrifice when we take communion (1 Cor. 11:24-26) and remember with joyful gratitude that He has "risen from the dead" (2 Tim. 2:8)!

The Spirit is our Helper to remind us of Jesus' teaching (John 14:26).

As the Israelites were instructed to remember their captivity and the Lord's rescue (Deut. 5:15, 8:2), so we acknowledge His daily provision and free gift of salvation (Eph. 2:8).


Of course, the purpose of remembering is never to live in the past or longingly wish for days-gone-by!  In fact, sometimes looking back unearths pain, hurt, or disappointment.  Nonetheless, remembering the truths of God's character (James 1:17) and evidence of His past provision inspires us to live with great hope and anticipation for the future (Psalm 5:3).

Remembering God's faithfulness is what fuels my deep love of meaningful conversations and celebrations!  Through conversations with friends, I hear evidence of His work in their lives and share what He has been teaching me.  I love that birthdays and anniversaries and holidays are milestone opportunities for remembering what He has done and choosing to entrust the future into His hands.


One year ago, there was no way of knowing that the email exchanges with my roommate, my landlord, and my church would lead to finding my place in Pittsburgh.  Over time, my house and my church have become places of rest and community.  As the coming months usher in a parade of one-year anniversaries, I remember God's miraculous provision with thanksgiving.  May our reminiscing and recollecting continue to lead us to wholehearted gratitude and deeper surrender!

What milestones do you remember and celebrate?
How does remembering fuel your faith?

"Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me."  Isaiah 46:9

"In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning, I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly."  Psalm 5:3

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