
Thursday, June 25, 2015

#tbt Week 1: Packing Up!

As I embrace this season of transition, I am taking time to reflect on many memories with special people in meaningful places.  It is neat to visibly see changes over time, knowing that God has been transforming us through the experiences of the past five years.

Each Thursday this summer will be devoted to a #tbt (Throwback Thursday) post, highlighting various "then and now" comparisons.  Enjoy!

#tbt Week 1: Packing Up!

This morning, Brittany and I officially handed over the keys to our house and set out all of our suitcases on the curb.  It's hard to believe that five years of living in Germany have come to an end!  

I'm leaving Germany with exactly the amount of bags I came with: 3 checked bags, a carry-on suitcase, a backpack, and a pillow.  However, that's a bit deceiving... friends who visited me this spring took things back to the States, I took back a number of things at Christmastime, and I've mailed myself multiple packages over the past few months!

July 2010

June 2015

When you have to pack your life into suitcases, it really causes you to think about what is important enough to take, what matters enough to count towards those valuable 51 pounds, what tokens of the past you wish to take into the future.  I laugh about what "made the cut" back in 2010 - some of those items served me well over the past five years, while others were unneeded or unnecessary.  Many times, we don't know what we'll need before we get to the next place.  Praise God that He is the Great Provider, giving us just what we need in His perfect timing!

If you were packing up your life, what would you take?
How has God shown Himself to be your Provider?

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