
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A "Normal Day"

I've been waiting to write this blog post until the perfect "typical day" comes and goes, in hopes that I can share all of the facets of life with you, my faithful blog-readers.  As if there is a normal day around here!

My days regularly consist of teaching English 6 and our new study skills class, LINK.  Besides that, I can be found...
...reading and replying to sixth grade Reading Response Journal entries.
...playing the piano and singing with the middle school chapel band.
...talking with my German landlord in the backyard.
...watching movies with friends.
...visiting the elementary school campus to borrow books from their library.
...attending local German festivals and soaking in the "lasts" of this season.
...chauffeuring a student out to school who missed the bus.  (This happened this morning!)
...helping with occasional middle school events after school.
...sharing southern Germany with visiting friends.
...buying groceries and making meals to share with friends.
...driving friends around. (Out to eat at a restaurant, airport pickups, to and from school, you name it!)
...conducting benchmark reading assessments for all middle school students.  (I'll tell you more about my Literacy Coach role in another blog!)
...discussing curriculum with the other middle school English teacher.
...scouring Pinterest for new ideas to try in my classroom.
...writing postcards and assembling packages to send to family and friends back in America.
...meeting with women in the community to talk about promoting mentoring relationships.  (More on this coming soon!)

So, although there isn't a "normal day" to recount, I'm grateful for the many opportunities God has given me already this year to invest in people and continue to be a part of the BFA community!

A special visit from Aunt Carol on Saturday!

Kandern Pottery Market

Shared meal with friends

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