
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Month at a Glance: January

The end of one year and beginning of the next always calls for a time of reflection - remembering God's faithfulness in the past year and recommitting to follow Him in the coming months.

Thank You, God, for the opportunities I had in 2013 to...

- ring in the new year with thousands of believers at Urbana missions conference.
- plan two panel events for high school girls about identity and intimacy.
- present a seminar with a friend at the International Christian Educator's Conference.
- celebrate 25 years of life!
- fly to America for a whirlwind weekend to attend my brother's college graduation.
- plan a week of hands-on learning activities for the 6th grade students.
- share a week with pre-field TeachBeyond members, making many new friends and leading the middle school program.
- see God provide financially - again and again!
- move into a new apartment in town.
- begin my fourth year of teaching at BFA!
- celebrate GCC's homecoming for the first time as an alum.
- coordinate Operation Christmas Child collection at BFA again this fall.
- host a fourth annual Thanksgiving celebration with friends.
- have Dana Schnitzel as a student teacher for two months.
- spend time with my family in Wheaton, Newtown, and Kandern!

God, I give you 2014!  With excitement, anticipation, and surrender, I offer You the year ahead!

January 1: Start the New Year with fireworks and sparklers with friends
January 7: Teacher inservice meetings
January 8: Classes resume
January 10-11: Home basketball games
January 16: High school drama recital
January 22-23: Middle school exam days
January 24: Teacher inservice day
January 24-25: Home basketball games
January 27: Second semester begins
January 31: Middle school basketball game

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