
Monday, February 27, 2017

Monday Misconceptions: Week 4

This post is part of a series focused on misconceptions about TeachBeyond.  Are you wondering what TeachBeyond is all about?  Check back for new posts on Mondays - or if you can't wait, check out!

Misconception #4:  You have to "know for sure" before you apply to TeachBeyond.

There are many times in our lives when we feel uncertain about our next steps and wish that God would give a clear answer.  We are sitting, wondering, questioning what we're supposed to do next.

That was where I was during my senior year of college.  I was facing option overload and was paralyzed by possibilities.  I distinctly remember telling TeachBeyond that I was hesitant about applying, interviewing, and moving forward because I "wasn't sure" if this is what was next.

However, it was that very process - applying, interviewing, and moving forward - that led to an indescribable, undeniable wave of confirmations that this was indeed the direction I should go.  But it took stepping out in faith to bring that confirmation.

In his book Just Do Something, Kevin DeYoung writes this:

"God is not a Magic 8-Ball we shake up and peer into whenever we have a decision to make.  He is a good God who gives us brains, shows us the way of obedience, and invites us to take risks for Him [...] The problem is we think He's going to tell us the wonderful plan before it unfolds.  We feel like we can know - and need to know - what God wants every step of the way." 

The well-known words of Proverbs 3:5-6 emphasize that our role is to "trust in the Lord with all [our] heart[s]," not to lean on our own understanding to figure out what comes next.  Trusting God's direction means that we are taking steps forward in faith, not standing still on the path He's called us to actively pursue.

Serving overseas is not for everyone.  Teaching is not for everyone.  Joining TeachBeyond is not the right fit for everyone.  However, I believe there are some who are sitting, wondering, and questioning what's next - and the answer is to take a step of faith.

"God's will for your life is not very complicated.  Obviously, living a Christlike life is hard work, and what following Jesus entails is not clear in every situation.  But as an overarching principle, the will of God for your life is pretty straightforward: Be holy like Jesus, by the power of the Spirit, for the glory of God." - Kevin DeYoung in Just Do Something

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