
Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

From the title of this post, you might think that I'm getting a head start on Christmas cookie baking and setting up the tree.  No... Christmas is coming soon, but it's not here yet!  However, I like to deem early November "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" because of Operation Christmas Child!

If you've been following my blog during my time here in Germany, chances are that you've already read a blog post about Operation Christmas Child.  Two years ago, my fourth grade class led the collection at the elementary school.  With my switch to middle school last year, OCC spread to include participation from students of all ages.  I also wrote about the kick-off to this year's project just a few weeks ago.  Each time OCC rolls around, I am filled with joy to see the enthusiasm of those who participate.

This year, interested middle schoolers joined committees to help me with planning and preparing for Operation Christmas Child collection.  Several students assisted with publicity, including hanging posters and making an announcement in a church service.  Others planned refreshments and decorations for our Second Annual Packing Party.  Still others manned the "Box Checking" stations at the Packing Party to be sure that each box met the official requirements.  Two students even mentioned to me that they were especially thrilled about OCC because they themselves had witnessed the distribution of the boxes.  Two current BFA Middle Schoolers come from areas where the shoeboxes are taken!  Hearing their stories only got me more excited about this year's collection.

It was amazing to see the middle schoolers really shine as they took on more responsibility and ownership of this project!  What a neat way to develop the leadership characteristics in these students and instill in them the importance of giving.

 These two girls coordinated delicious snacks for the Packing Party!

Four students took different shifts as "Box Checkers" at our Packing Party.

I loved getting to chat with two of our youngest packers!

Together we packed more than 115 boxes - glory to God!

I'm also very thankful for the partnership of a number of high schoolers, who spent hours collecting empty shoeboxes and wrapping them in preparation for the party.  This was teamwork at its finest!  After the Packing Party, a high school staff member and I drove the boxes to our local collection center - the home of a sweet German family.  They literally have Operation Christmas Child headquarters in their living room!  Gerdi remembered me from last year and was so appreciative of our participation again this year.

So you see, even though it isn't yet Christmas, I'm already celebrating one of the most wonderful times of the year.  The body of Christ joyfully and generously working together to impact those in need... it doesn't get much better than that!

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