I am reading Jesus Calling, a devotional by Sarah Young that my mentor gave me as an early Christmas present last week. Each day of reading this book, I have heard Jesus' voice speaking directly to me through Young's words.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Rushing Wind
As I sit on the couch in the living room, I hear the wind whipping along the side of the apartment and down the street. I witness the wind's invisible power in the dancing branches of the evergreens and the sideways raindrops. Windows rattle.
I am reading Jesus Calling, a devotional by Sarah Young that my mentor gave me as an early Christmas present last week. Each day of reading this book, I have heard Jesus' voice speaking directly to me through Young's words.
Today, Jesus is saying this to me, to us....
"I am speaking in the depths of your being. Be still, so that you can hear My voice. I speak in the language of Love; My words fill you with Life and Peace, Joy and hope. I desire to talk with all of My children, but many are too busy to listen. The "work ethic" has them tied up in knots. They submit wholeheartedly to this taskmaster, wondering why they feel so distant from Me.
Living close to Me requires making Me your First Love - your highest priority. As you seek My Presence above all else, you experience Peace and Joy in full measure. I am also blessed when you make Me first in your life. While you journey through life in My Presence, My Glory brightens the world around you."
I have often heard messages and read verses about being quiet before God and listening to His still, small voice. In the quiet of this first morning of Christmas break, I wonder to myself how often I actually take the time to be still. Do I use the excuse of being busy with "good" things? Can I claim that I'm not very good at just sitting and listening?
The loud cry of today's wind calls out to me again. When spending time with God is no longer my highest priority, when "work ethic" is my taskmaster, I need to hear the loud voice of a rushing wind to call me back into His presence.
I want to live close to You, Jesus. May Your glory shine through me as I seek You above all else.
I am reading Jesus Calling, a devotional by Sarah Young that my mentor gave me as an early Christmas present last week. Each day of reading this book, I have heard Jesus' voice speaking directly to me through Young's words.
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